Tuesday, November 14, 2006

SpecSavers La Lucia Renovations Cont....

Our renovations are in full swing. Our temporary shop front is in and the shopfitters are busy removing the existing tiles, carpets and bulkhead.

We should be finished by 3pm tomorrow.......

The final shop front should be in before the end of the year and will completely change the look of the shop front.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Colouring-in Competition

As part of our bithday celebrations, we are holding a colouring-in competition with prizes sponsored by Spar, Stunners and ourselves. We will be awarding a free pair of sunglasses to the top 12 entrys as well as shopping vouchers to the top 3 entrys. To enter, all you need to do is colour in one of our entry forms and deliver the completed form to Anderson & Visser by 30 November 2006

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

SpecSavers La Lucia Renovations

SpecSavers La Lucia Mall is now 6 years old and we have decided to give it a face lift. Alterations start this weekend and the shopfitters should be finished by wednesday afternoon. We will be moving our entrance and changing the shape and height of the windows. Due to the demand for sunglasses, we have ordered a new modern sunglass stand and new wooden flooring. I will be posting photos of our new-look once the renovations are done.
Wish us luck!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Our 14th Birthday

Today is our 14th Birthday. It is hard to believe that 14 years ago we purchased this practice while we were still at Varsity. The practice has grown with us and seen many changes in Optometry and the next 14 are going to see many more.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Your Childs Vision

The beginning of a new school year is the ideal time for children to have a full visual assessment. In this way visual difficulties can be resolved before they cause problems.

Clarity of Vision:
The inability of your child to see the blackboard from the back of the classroom would seriously hinder their performance. Your child may be Shortsighted, Farsighted or have Astigmatism and this may need to be corrected to enable them to see clearly at all distances.

Eye Movements:
The inability to move the eyes smoothly, seriously impacts on a child’s reading ability, causing them to constantly lose their place. This slows down the speed at which they can read and absorb knowledge.

Binocular vision:
Miss-alignment of the eyes and convergence inability causes a child to see double and eventually to close one eye when reading. This is extremely inefficient as both eyes are needed to ensure that the brain works at optimum level.

Focussing skills:
Children who cannot focus their eyes clearly at different distances as well as shift focus between these distances are unable to copy off the board quickly enough and they fall behind with their work. The child also needs to be able to maintain focus at specific distances, for example as when reading.

Colour vision:
With the prolific use of colour in many classrooms it is worthwhile to establish whether a colour vision deficiency is present and to understand which shades of colours may be affected.

In conclusion:
For these reasons it is important that you bring your child to us for a consultation regularly, taking note of our Special Offer for Children under 12 - see foot of this newsletter - and help your child progress at school.